architecture, design & art

Art & Human Interactions

I offer guidance in the process of choosing the best adapted piece of art to integrate to a private or public space. I also act as a catalyst and idea developer of exhibitions of art, installations or performances.

Choosing a work of art is a poetic, visual, conceptual and consumer act that mobilizes  both the sensitive and intellectual aspects of those concerned. Guidance and orientation to make the right choice are essential. Sometimes we discover  with satisfaction the sublime experience of buying an artwork and integrating  it into our living space. A good process acquisition starts from a precise and specialized advice, an accompaniment during the purchase, and also an  after purchase support for a proper installation. My expertise in this field  allows to optimize your investment and to acquire the piece that best suits  your needs. 

My work also consists of designing an exhibition in dialogue with the public, conceptualizing and synthesizing aspects in favor of one type of art, or an artist or a subject to be presented. In that sense, the conception of an exhibition is  also a work of design, which combines many other disciplines: for instance, history, cultural anthropology, psychology, philosophy and of course architecture and  space.
As architect I'm a designer of space, of art and of human interactions, essential elements to succeed in an art installation or a master piece acquisition.  

Suggested programme
Online free introductory appointment.
Accompaniement to art galeries.
Exhibition, installation or performance conception.

Integrating paintings to space

Examples of integrations carried out.

Integrating artistic objects to space

Examples of integrations carried out.

Technical objects with expressive qualities

Examples of integrations carried out.

Concept and architecture: The 4 utopian house projects to escape from reality.


Architecture and light: Proposal for a new school of architecture.

La Plata, Argentina.
info@polymathy.ch  +41 76 472 70 12 Zürichsee-Obersee Area