architecture, design & art

About polymathy.ch and me

Hello from Zürichsee-Obersee Area in Switzerland. My name is Julian Esteban Gomez, I'm architect and creator of polymathy.ch where I propose services in architecture, design and art.

Polymathy is a classical Greek term, later reused to evoke the Renaissance spirit and morever, to the present days, a humanist principle in a sense of universal knowledge based in the integration of arts and sciences.
Architecture is a kind of polymathy because it involves the mastery of artistic, technical and scientific knowledges.

If you are visiting this page, you are probably interested in design, architecture and art, or maybe you are looking for inspiration, advice or help to make reality your current or next home remodeling, renovation or decoration project.

Architecture can be defined as  the mastery of living space.

I treat the spaces from three perspectives : architecture, design and art; and my services refer to functionality, style, colors, shapes, textures, lights, furniture, composition of terraces and gardens and integration of artistic objects in living or working spaces. A well-designed space contributes to a better  social interaction and life quality. Bring functionality, order, harmony and beautiness is the objective of my work.

With more than 20 years of experience alternating architecture, social sciences related to the arts and the cultural and event mediation activities, I help people and companies who need to solve a specific habitat or social environment issue, providing proposals, advice and guidance in different formats of services, adapted to each need.

If you are interested in any of those topics, you can reach me by form, by mail, via whatsapp textchat +41 76 472 70 12 or scheduling an introductory appointment.

info@polymathy.ch  +41 76 472 70 12 Zürichsee-Obersee Area